TANCET 2008 Quant Question 12 : Expressions in Sets
The schedule of G first year students was inspected. It was found that M were taking a Mathematics course, L were taking a Language course and B were taking both a Mathematics course and a Language course. Which of the following expression gives the percentage of the students whose schedule was inspected who were taking neither a mathematics course nor a language course?
Correct Answer :
. Choice (5)
Explanatory Answer
M students are taking a math course.
L students are taking a language course.
B students are taking both a math and a language course.
Number of students taking at least one of the two courses = M U L
M U L = M + L - B
Hence, number of students taking neither of the two courses = G - (M + L - B) = G + B - M - L
Expressed as a percent of the total number of students, we get
Level of difficulty : Easy to Moderate
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